How to Admit Someone to Rehab
Blog, RehabIt may be a spouse, adult child, parent, or friend who has all the signs of a substance abuse problem. It is clear this person you care about needs help, but so far they have refused to consider rehab. So, how do you convince them to get the…

Behavioral Effects of Alcohol
Blog, Substance AbuseNobody ever sets out to become an alcoholic. Most alcohol problems start out quite innocently. However, for reasons not yet fully understood, some people are more prone to developing an alcohol use disorder.
Alcoholism creeps up slowly. It…

Why Quitting Alcohol Cold Turkey is Risky
Blog, News, Substance AbuseIt’s understandable why you might decide to just quit drinking alcohol on an impulse. Your heavy drinking may be causing some serious problems in your marriage, your job, or even your health. As noble as the intent is to just stop drinking,…

How to Battle Alcohol Cravings in Recovery
Alcohol Addiction, BlogIn recovery, one of the most difficult beasts to tame is that of alcohol cravings. You may have been equipped with a variety of coping tools while in treatment. You might belong to a recovery community and have plenty of support. You might still…

What Happens When You Mix Xanax and Cocaine?
Blog, Illicit Drugs, Prescription Drugs, Substance AbuseIt shouldn’t be surprising to learn that someone who enjoys cocaine might also like experimenting with other substances. Cocaine is often combined with heroin, meth, fentanyl, and alcohol in the quest to experience an enhanced desired effect.

What to Expect from Residential Treatment Facilities
Blog, Residential, Substance AbuseWhen you are ready to enter recovery, you will learn there are two types of addiction treatment programs. Outpatient and residential refer to different levels of care for treating substance use disorder.
An outpatient program is one where…

How Long is Rehab for Alcohol Use Disorder?
Alcohol Addiction, Blog, RehabEven when it becomes crystal clear that your drinking has reached a dangerous level, going to rehab seems unthinkable. It is easy to come up with excuses to avoid getting treatment and changing your life.
One of the most common concerns…

What is Opiate Withdrawal Insomnia?
Blog, Opiate AddictionThe opiate withdrawal process is the first big step you take toward reclaiming your life in recovery. Going through the detox and withdrawal process, though, is not pleasant. When sleep eludes you, on top of the withdrawal symptoms, it can be…

How To Send a Family Member to Rehab
Blog, Family, Rehab, Substance AbuseAnyone who has a family member suffering from addiction knows how heartbreaking it is to witness. Often, any attempts you make to share your concerns with the loved one are met with denial or anger. It is a difficult and sensitive topic to broach,…
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