Shatter Weed : Dangers and Side Effects
Blog, News, Substance AbuseMost recreational weed users have probably never heard of marijuana extracts or shatter weed. But for marijuana enthusiasts, extracts, especially shatter, are some of the most popular and fastest-growing forms of cannabis on the market. Put simply, a marijuana extract is a hyper-concentrated form of the drug. Extracts are formed by separating the marijuana plant’s essential oils from the plant using heat, pressure and/or chemical solvents.

Xanax Bars Addiction and Dependency
Blog, Rehab, Substance AbuseXANAX is the brand name for the drug Alprazolam, a drug belonging to the class of medications called benzodiazepines or “benzos”. Xanax itself has a host of nicknames of its own, such as, “zanie-bars”, “z-bars”, “Bars”, “planks” and “bricks” to name a few. Typically prescribed as an anti-anxiety medication, Xanax is the most widely prescribed of all benzodiazepines as a method to alleviate anxiety and treat panic disorders.

How To Send a Family Member to Rehab
Blog, Family, Rehab, Substance AbuseAnyone who has a family member suffering from addiction knows how heartbreaking it is to witness. Often, any attempts you make to share your concerns with the loved one are met with denial or anger. It is a difficult and sensitive topic to broach,…