Shatter Weed : Dangers and Side Effects
Blog, News, Substance AbuseMost recreational weed users have probably never heard of marijuana extracts or shatter weed. But for marijuana enthusiasts, extracts, especially shatter, are some of the most popular and fastest-growing forms of cannabis on the market. Put simply, a marijuana extract is a hyper-concentrated form of the drug. Extracts are formed by separating the marijuana plant’s essential oils from the plant using heat, pressure and/or chemical solvents.

Xanax Bars Addiction and Dependency
Blog, Rehab, Substance AbuseXANAX is the brand name for the drug Alprazolam, a drug belonging to the class of medications called benzodiazepines or “benzos”. Xanax itself has a host of nicknames of its own, such as, “zanie-bars”, “z-bars”, “Bars”, “planks” and “bricks” to name a few. Typically prescribed as an anti-anxiety medication, Xanax is the most widely prescribed of all benzodiazepines as a method to alleviate anxiety and treat panic disorders.

Abusing Adderall and Alcohol
Alcohol Addiction, Prescription Drugs, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesMixing Substances and The Consequences
Substance abuse involving the combination of Adderall and alcohol has become widespread, especially among college-aged young adults. This age group gravitates to using Adderall as a study aid, as its stimulant…

The Stages of Drug Rehab
Blog, Rehab, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesWhat Are The Stages of Rehab
Are you considering going to rehab, but are feeling a bit anxious about the prospect? Sometimes just having some basic knowledge about what to expect in rehab can help reduce much of that stress. To learn about…

How is CBT Used to Treat Alcoholism
Blog, Mental Health, News, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesThe effective treatment of alcohol use disorder depends on a multi-pronged approach. Of all the various treatment elements, the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the very cornerstone of addiction treatment.
CBT is an evidence-based…

Does Insurance Cover Rehab?
News, Rehab, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesOver 14 million US adults live with an alcohol use disorder, while 23 million other adults suffer from a substance abuse disorder, yet few people—about 1 in 10—get the help they need. Oftentimes, it’s financial considerations that prevent…

What is Aftercare in Recovery?
Blog, News, Rehab, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesRecovering from a substance use disorder takes time, dedication, and vigilance. Often, the tools provided by a residential treatment center simply aren’t enough to produce long-term sobriety: they must be accompanied by long-term addiction…

How to Deal with the Guilt in Addiction Recovery
Mental Health, News, Treatments & TherapiesGuilt, shame, and remorse are common experiences for people new to recovery. Life in active addiction can be fraught with poor choices, neglected responsibilities, and decisions that you would never make with a clear mind. These past decisions…

Self-Care Tips While in Addiction Recovery
Blog, Mental Health, News, Rehab, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesAddiction and substance misuse can quickly take over your life, but you are not alone in this struggle. Millions of people across the United States struggle with this issue, and it has a way of taking away everything you once knew about yourself…

How To Treat Alcohol Withdrawal
Blog, News, Rehab, Sober Living, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesAlcohol is a legal substance for consumption by adults in America over the age of twenty-one. It has been stated by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), “nearly eighty-seven percent of adult individuals in America…