Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

Annandale Behavioral Health specializes in the treatment of dual diagnosis, the condition that features co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Our dual diagnosis treatment center provides top-tier addiction recovery services combined with evidence-based psychiatric treatment.

About Dual Diagnosis

It is very common for those who struggle with a substance use disorder to also have a co-occurring mental health challenge. The two coexisting disorders are termed a dual diagnosis.

Each disorder has a profound impact upon the other. For example, the effects of the substance use disorder only exacerbates the symptoms of the mental health disorder. In the same way, an existing mental health disorder may lead to self-medicating with drugs or alcohol to help manage or numb the symptoms.

With dual diagnosis, one disorder is considered primary, or the first one to present, with the other being secondary. The individual may have a substance use disorder that is wreaking havoc in his or her life, which may lead to the secondary depression or anxiety. Conversely, someone with a primary mental health challenge may develop an addiction from routinely using a substance for symptom relief.

Signs of Dual Diagnosis

Symptoms of a dual diagnosis disorder are quite varied, as they will differ according to the specific presenting disorders. There are, however, some common signs that an individual is struggling with a dual diagnosis. These might include:

  • Impulsive, high-risk behaviors
  • Signs of cognitive impairment
  • A decline in work performance
  • Neglecting personal hygiene
  • An inability to maintain healthy relationships
  • Sudden personality changes
  • Having trouble managing responsibilities and daily obligations
  • Avoids social events, withdrawing from friends and family
  • Financial troubles
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Legal problems
  • Extreme mood swings

Examples of Common Dual Diagnoses

Dual diagnosis can take on many different forms. People with a substance problem may present with a broad range of coexisting mental health issues. These might include a mood disorder, an eating disorder, a behavioral addiction, a personality disorder, or serious mental illness. Co-occurring disorders are any combination of mental health or substance use disorders contained in the DSM-5.

SAMHSA reports that about 21.5 million adults in the U.S. struggle with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.

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With the high prevalence of individuals who struggle with both a mental health condition and a drug or alcohol addiction there are bound to be some detectible patterns in the co-occurring disorders. Some of the more common dual diagnoses include:

  • Anxiety and benzo addiction
  • Anxiety disorder and cocaine abuse
  • Bipolar disorder and alcoholism
  • Depression and alcoholism
  • Depression and heroin
  • PTSD and alcoholism
  • PTSD and opioid addiction
  • Social anxiety disorder and marijuana abuse

Understanding Treatment for Dual Diagnosis

A dual diagnosis treatment center provides clinical expertise in both addiction medicine and psychiatry. Treatment involves an integrated approach that combines interventions and therapeutic activities for both the substance use and mental health disorders. Treatments for both disorders are applied simultaneously throughout the duration of the program.

The treatment plan is tailored to the specific presenting disorders. Consider for example the individual who has a moderate to severe substance use disorder as the primary diagnosis. This person will begin their recovery journey with a medical detox. In contrast, someone with a mild secondary substance use disorder may not need the medical detox step. Each person’s treatment plan is designed with the appropriate treatment elements for their specific needs.

Obtaining professional treatment for a dual diagnosis is of utmost importance. There is a tendency for the symptoms and consequences of each of the disorders to become more serious as time goes on. Some of the resulting consequences of an untreated dual diagnosis include:

  • Instability in relationships
  • Impaired social functioning
  • Difficulty maintaining employment
  • Financial problems
  • Poor health
  • Heightened risk for suicide

What to Expect at a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center

Annandale Behavioral Health provides dual diagnosis treatment within a residential setting. Individuals participate in a full spectrum of therapeutic activities designed to help the person modify thought and behavior patterns. Treatment elements include:

  • Medical Withdrawal Management: When a substance use disorder is the primary disorder, a medically supervised detox and withdrawal launches recovery. Withdrawal symptoms vary depending on the substance involved and may range from mild to severe in intensity. Trained detox professionals guide the individual safely through the detox process.
  • Individual Psychotherapy: Therapy is an essential core element for treating both the co-occurring disorders. The therapist will access a variety of psychotherapies that are best for treating the specific disorders. Some examples of these include CBT and DBT.
  • Group Sessions. Group therapy supports peer interaction and is a source for sharing, bonding, and accountability. These sessions involve small groups that discuss their feelings, fears, struggles, and hopes within a safe, accepting setting.
  • Psychosocial. These interventions help the individual change dysfunctional thought patterns that kept them trapped in the addiction cycle. In addition, they improve interpersonal relationships, establish a structured daily routing, and improve overall functioning.
  • Medication Management. Medications for the mental health disorder and/or the alcoholism may improve functioning and quality of life.
  • Relapse Prevention: Individuals create a detailed relapse prevention plan by identifying specific triggers and response strategies to avoid a relapse.
  • 12-Step Facilitation. Self-help groups like A.A. and SMART Recovery provide a roadmap for the recovery process. 
  • Holistic. Learning ways to self-soothe and relax are helpful for individuals with a dual diagnosis. These may include meditation, mindfulness, yoga, breathwork, and art therapy.
  • Wellness. Dual diagnosis programs integrate wellness strategies to help restore health and fitness in recovery. This includes nutritional counseling, daily exercise, and outdoor activities.
  • Continuing Care: Following completion of the program, sober living housing, 12-step group participation, and outpatient counseling are strongly encouraged.

If you are struggling with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, Annandale Behavioral Health offers the support and guidance you deserve. Reach out to us today.