Shatter Weed : Dangers and Side Effects
Blog, News, Substance AbuseMost recreational weed users have probably never heard of marijuana extracts or shatter weed. But for marijuana enthusiasts, extracts, especially shatter, are some of the most popular and fastest-growing forms of cannabis on the market. Put simply, a marijuana extract is a hyper-concentrated form of the drug. Extracts are formed by separating the marijuana plant’s essential oils from the plant using heat, pressure and/or chemical solvents.

Xanax Bars Addiction and Dependency
Blog, Rehab, Substance AbuseXANAX is the brand name for the drug Alprazolam, a drug belonging to the class of medications called benzodiazepines or “benzos”. Xanax itself has a host of nicknames of its own, such as, “zanie-bars”, “z-bars”, “Bars”, “planks” and “bricks” to name a few. Typically prescribed as an anti-anxiety medication, Xanax is the most widely prescribed of all benzodiazepines as a method to alleviate anxiety and treat panic disorders.

How is CBT Used to Treat Alcoholism
Blog, Mental Health, News, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesThe effective treatment of alcohol use disorder depends on a multi-pronged approach. Of all the various treatment elements, the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the very cornerstone of addiction treatment.
CBT is an evidence-based…

What to Expect in Gabapentin Withdrawal
News, Substance AbuseGabapentin Withdrawal Symptoms, Sighs & Side Effects
You may have developed a dependence on gabapentin after long-term use, and now wish to stop taking it. Learn here about what to expect in gabapentin withdrawal.
What Is Gabapentin?

What To Do If You Relapse on Drugs and/or Alcohol
Blog, News, Rehab, Substance AbuseWhen it comes to succeeding in recovery from substance use, identifying the potential hazards in advance is key to protecting the new life you have worked so hard to shape. Relapse can and does happen no matter how committed someone may be to…

What is a Substance Abuse Evaluation?
Blog, Substance AbuseThere are a variety of reasons why someone might find themselves being assessed for a drug or alcohol use disorder. So, what is a substance abuse evaluation and what can you expect?
What Is a Substance Abuse Evaluation?
When drug or alcohol…

Los Angeles County Substance Abuse Statistics
Blog, News, Substance AbuseLA is known for its sunny beaches, relaxed lifestyles, and perfect climate – but Los Angeles County substance abuse is a real problem. Millions of people in Los Angeles County live with substance use disorders and may not be able to stop on…

Does Insurance Cover Rehab?
News, Rehab, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesOver 14 million US adults live with an alcohol use disorder, while 23 million other adults suffer from a substance abuse disorder, yet few people—about 1 in 10—get the help they need. Oftentimes, it’s financial considerations that prevent…

Addiction: Underlying Causes and Conditions
Blog, News, Substance AbuseAddiction is a complex mental health disorder that doesn’t fit neatly into any one box. On the one hand, addiction can be characterized as a disease of the brain. Yet it could also be seen as a social problem: people are more likely to become…

What is Aftercare in Recovery?
Blog, News, Rehab, Substance Abuse, Treatments & TherapiesRecovering from a substance use disorder takes time, dedication, and vigilance. Often, the tools provided by a residential treatment center simply aren’t enough to produce long-term sobriety: they must be accompanied by long-term addiction…

The Importance of Aftercare in Recovery
Blog, News, Rehab, Substance AbuseTo free ourselves from alcohol or drug addiction, we must first recognize how alcohol or drugs have plagued our life. Once we accept the problems and why we desire to change, we will be ready to begin our recovery journey. Those who are ready…

Why Treating Trauma and Addiction Simultaneously is Important
Blog, Mental Health, News, Substance AbuseThere is a known connection between trauma and addiction. A vast body of research shows a clear link between experiencing (or witnessing) a traumatic event and substance use disorders.
Recent data provided by the National Survey on Drug Use…